prof. PhDr.
Soňa Jandová
head of department, guarantor of the master's study program and courses in biomechanics andaAthletics
Personal information:
Prof. PhDr. Soňa Jandová, Ph.D. – born: 1972 in Jilemnice, Czech Rep.
Education and academic degrees:
Mgr. (1995) – Faculty of Education Technical University of Liberec, Physical Education/ German language
Ph.D. (2000) – Kinantropology – Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Charles University, Prague
Doc. (2009) – Kinantropology – Faculty od Physical Culture, Palacký University Olomouc
Prof. (2020) – Kinantropology – Faculty od Physical Culture, Palacký University Olomouc
Work Experience: 1995-1996:
Teacher at F.X. Gymnazium in Liberec, 1999-2022: Technical University of Liberec (Academician and during 2011-2012 Vice-dean at the Faculty of Science, Humanities and Education, during 2012-2018 Vice-rector of Technical University of Liberec); 2020 until now: Faculty of Education, Charles University Prague, Dep. of Physical Education, since 2022 – head of the department.
International Experiences (research stay):
Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA, University of Calgary, Canada, University of Innsbruck, Austria
Focus of research:
Gait diagnostics, didactics of physical education, physical testing in laboratory and field
More than 75 scientific articles, more than 40 scientific articles as co-author, since 2016 visiting professor University of Technology Mara in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), since 2020 visiting professor – University Prešov. Referee of scientific papers with topics of gait analysis, didactics of sports and physical education, member of Editorial board Human Movement. Member of Czech scientific societies. Lector of PhD study at Charles University. Head of many institutional research and also development projects, author of research reports. WOS H index = 8, Scopus H-index = 9.
Lyžování do kapsy [Pro cvičitele a instruktory lyžování]. Liberec: Technická univerzita
Česká škola lyžování – carving. Praha: Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta tělesné výchovy a sportu.
Česká škola lyžování – sjíždění a zatáčení na lyžích dětí a mládeže. Liberec: Technická univerzita v Liberci.
Základy alpského a běžeckého lyžování. 2. rozšířené vydání [Učební texty]. Liberec: Technická univerzita (s. 182).
Jumping performance and take-off efficiency correlation with the basic anthropometric parameters in female volleyball players. Acta Gymnica, 51(e2021.020). doi.org/10.5507/ag.2021.020
Comparison of Stance Phase while Women Running in Minimalist and Conventional Sport Shoes. Acta Gymnica, 49(1), 40-46. DOI: 10.5507/ag.2019.003