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Erasmus + students

Enriching lives, opening minds

For Erasmus+ students, we offer a variety of interesting courses, mainly focused on practical issues. Non-physical education students are also welcome.

Erasmus+ in our department is not only about interesting and quality courses, but also about establishing friendships with international students and Czech students.

Courses offered for Erasmus+ students


Athletics (winter and summer semester, e-credits for each semester: 3)

Improvement of athletic skills. The application of methods and athletic tools in practice. Emphasis on proper technique and appropriate teaching practices, the theoretical foundation of athletic disciplines (biomechanics, technique, basic training), rules and decision-making competitions, non-traditional athletic disciplines, the possibility of their use in leisure activities, athletics combined events.

The course takes place at the stadium in the town of Čelákovice (near Brandýs nad Labem).


Basketball (winter semester, e-credits: 3)

Practice, theory, and methodology of basketball. Rules, basic skills, and knowledge about the game, offensive and defensive activities, game combinations and game systems, rules. Modifications for different types of schools and age groups.

The course takes place in Brandýs nad Labem.


Football, handball (winter semester, e-credits: 3)

Practice, theory, and methodology of the games. Basic skills and knowledge, offensive and defensive activities, game combinations and game systems, rules. Modifications for different types of schools and age groups.

The course takes place in Brandýs nad Labem.


Gymnastics (winter and summer semester, e-credits: 5)

General gymnastics in the syllabus of primary and secondary schools (sport gymnastics, rhythmic gymnastics). Junior aerobics. Developing abilities with gymnastic games. Didactic and methodical processes. Safe exercising. Correct technique of exercises with and without apparatuses, theory and practice. Development of motor abilities, terminology.  Basic postures and movements and their positive effects on the body, education for optimal individual posture, developing motor abilities by means of basic gymnastics,  (benches, fit balls, etc.), gymnastic games. The theoretical basis of the development and preparation of lessons. The course takes place in Brandýs nad Labem.


Indoor rock climbing (winter and summer semester, e-credits: 2)

Methodology and training of climbing on an artificial wall. Preparations for climbing on rock surfaces. Safety rules. Climbing ropes, devices, team climbing, bouldering, rules, sport climbing, preparation of paths and tracks on the climbing wall, first aid activities in the event of a fall.

The course takes place in Brandýs nad Labem.


Outdoor motor games and exercises (summer semester, e-credits: 3)

Principles of activities and movement outdoors. The importance of exercises and games outdoors. Using terrain and natural barriers. Safety rules and the prevention of injuries. Requisites for games and exercises outdoors. “Gym in the countryside”. Classifications of games and exercises outdoors. Content and forms of exercise units. Supply of exercises and games. Methodology of teaching, work with individuals. Exercises in various environments. Motor games, skills. Exercises with tools and apparatuses. Natural exercises and health oriented exercises. Remedial methods and exercises and alternative forms of therapeutic exercises.

The course takes place in Brandýs nad Labem.


Physical Education and Health (winter and summer semester, e-credits pro each semester: 5)

Basic knowledge relating to pathophysiology and kinesiology. Features of the functional forms of the kinesiologic system. The most frequent problems and its compensation. Teaching principles, sequences, methods. Assessment of posture, range of motion and physical condition (efficiency). Methods and principles of stretching, strengthening, relaxation, and breathing exercises, balance and motor control exercises. Common mistakes, prevention, diagnoses, analyses, and correcting mistakes. Suitable exercises for particular types of impairment: locomotor apparatus, cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, nervous system, sensory deprivation, mental retardation, psychical impairment. Suitable and unsuitable exercises and activities. Application of gymnastic tools, requisites, and apparatuses. Leading a part of an exercise lesson.


Regenerative selective sports activities (winter and summer semester, e-credits pro each semester: 4)

The aim of the course is to increase the level of motor abilities and skills in various sports.

The course takes place in Brandýs nad Labem.


Sports massage and regeneration (winter semester, e-credits: 2)

Theory and practice of sports massage. The mechanisms of regeneration and methods for avoiding fatigue. Mastering the theory and practice of full body massage. Orientation in the use of auxiliary means or tools. Introduction to curb massage and massage during breaks between performances. Theoretical foundations and rules for saunas and basic physical therapy.

The course takes place in Brandýs nad Labem.


Swimming (winter and summer semester, e-credits pro each semester: 3)

Improvements in the methodology, didactics, and techniques of basic swimming styles: breaststroke, crawl, backstroke. The development of special abilities – swimming speed, endurance, strength and flexibility with additional swimming tools. Application in an teaching environment, methodology, and didactics.

The course takes place in a swimming pool in Brandýs nad Labem.


Volleyball (summer semester, e-credits: 3)

Practice, theory, and methodology of volleyball. Basic skills and knowledge about the game. Volleyball modifications for different types of schools and age groups.

The course takes place in Brandýs nad Labem.

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